Welcome to Worship!

Christ Lutheran Church

To know Christ and make Him known


Come Worship with Us!

Sunday Worship

9:30 AM Service

11:00 AM Sunday School         (Sept.-May)

11:00 AM Adult Bible Study


Every Wednesday

6:30 PM Adult Bible Study




Welcome Pastor Mark Raitz and Marianne

Upcoming Events and Ministries

Sunday Morning Bible Study

The Meaning of the Bible

Food Share

Held monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

(Held the Thursday before a holiday)

Esther Circle

Esther Circle ladies meet on the first Thursday of the month September - June.

All ladies are welcome to join.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:30 PM

Father Daughter Ball

We thank everyone for another successful year!

This ministry is intended for fathers (and father figures) to strengthen their relationships with their daughter(s). The relationship between fathers and daughters is a mirror of God's love for His children, and God has entrusted fathers with the role of bringing  up daughters to live in His truth.

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